Registered Kinesiologist Nancy held an open house for residents to see the newly renovated Fitness Centre. This was also an opportunity for residents to complete a survey on their fitness interests to help us shape future programming. Our Fitness for the Aging Brain series has also continue throughout October and some of the concepts were incorporated into existing classes which was well-received.

October was Respiratory Month where the Wellness Team focused on providing information on keeping our respiratory systems healthy, and using breathing techniques to relax. Residents participated in a breathing and relaxation class by a local Yoga Instructor Ebb and Flow.
In partnership with Wilfrid Laurier, we started a four-week series through Lifelong Learning called Transitions: A Journey of Transformation through Loss, Grief and Mourning. Instructor Martina Steiger helped participants explore transitions encountered throughout our lives, and offered tools and strategies to facilitate this journey.
We had a variety of activities to celebrate Fall including a Country Drive and Pumpkin Latte and Apple Fritter Social.
Oktoberfest was celebrated in true Oktoberfest fashion which included entertainment by the Transylvania Hofbrau Band and of course, the Bird Dance, apple strudel, pretzel and drinks! Later in the month, residents danced again to the Sunnyside of the Street Swingband.

We closed the month with Halloween! Residents on the Memory Care floor had a great time putting together treat bags to give out to visitors. Residents painted pumpkins that were on display on the Memory Care floor and Sunshine Centre atrium, and enjoyed some hot apple cider. They also enjoyed a Halloween Dog Show performed in our Great Hall!